
Michael Garfield: The High Tech Texan speaks about Touch on radio


For over a decade, Michael has been successfully delivering easy to understand commentary on a wide range of  consumer and technology products. Based in Texas, he hosts daily radio programs (iHeart Radio) and writes for publications nationwide.

Key Takeaways

● SECURAM offers advanced technology like fingerprint unlock/lock

● Takes about only 20-30 minutes to install

● Compatible with smart speakers like Amazon Alexa

● Long-lasting batteries

● Easily create smart codes for family and guests

● Compatible with almost all door thicknesses Show Summary

● It’s (the SECURAM Touch lock) very easy to slowly but surely pimp out your home and make it smart.

● You can monitor your home remotely; they understand your patterns. Cameras are a very good starting point, as well.

● Securam is neat because it’s a typical smart lock, it has a keypad where people can create user code, up to 30 different people; and, the installation is simple, meaning it only takes me about 10 minutes to replace the old one.

● SECURAM smart locks are compatible with a broad variety of door thicknesses, ranging from one in 3H to two inches, which is the normal size for most doors.

● It’s a seductive look; one is silver and the other is matte black.

● It’s mostly round and on the top section, there’s your fingerprint in a security system on the outside. On the inside, you’ll find a normal latch.

● You can create single-use and long-time codes. Every time a code is used for your family, you’re alerted on your phone.

● SECURAM works with some of the smart systems that run your home, it works with Amazon’s Alexa. You do need to go get one more add-on, it’s the smart hub.

● Smaller batteries should last a lot longer and save me some money on getting batteries too. Overall very very impressed, take a look at it.

● “It is pretty high tech! The fact that you could put your fingerprint, it is pretty high tech!” he says.

● It’s a great welcome to people to my home because they expect a lot of technology at my home. $239, I believe.

● What’s the easiest device that you have installed to make your home smart? It could be a door lock, a good camera, a thermostat, or a smart bulb. You tell me or if you need more ideas and suggestions of a different specific product, this is what I do.


If you are listening live, I give you the phone number again 7132125950, the long running Hi- Tech Texan show. Michael Garfield is my name. I always talk about smart, easy to understand tech. My job is to pimp your home out and make you healthier all through the new technology devices we’ve been doing for 20 years all across Iheart radio. Don’t forget to download the podcast wherever great podcaster Iheart radio, Spotify, apple ,Google….. it goes on and on and on again I talk about smart homes, I talk about a lot about smart homes for years back when homes were dumb and many of you still have dumb homes (you know), I apologize but you know where I’m coming from. It’s very easy to slowly but surely pimp out your home and make smart. I think one or two would be the easiest things to switch. No 1 is your thermostat. Thermostats are really simple. There are so many on the market, does that matter if it’s from eagle B, Nast etc, it goes on and on and on, just almost too many to go back and forth right now. You can monitor home remotely, you think they’re smart, they understand your patterns and you save money in the long run by saving energy. Cameras are very good too. Another one that I really have been enjoying, I think it comes in more convenient than almost anything are smart locks, door locks in your home, be at the front or your back door. Over the years (you know) my visits to the Consumer Electronics Show. Talking to companies in testing these things out. I’ve been through so many of them. Some of them are nice and some of them are made by actual locks companies that you’ve heard of. They’ve been making locks on your doors from Yale or something of that. They’re decent. Some of my issues with them is battery life, because some of them need batteries obviously because they’re electronic they are wifi enabled. The one I’m using right now, I insert 4 AA batteries. And I’m not kidding you, every month 4 batteries they’re done. So I’m spending a lot of money on batteries. So in the past week or so I installed one from a company I’m not familiar with but I absolutely, I am really enjoying it for a number of different reasons from a company called SECURAM S.E.C U. R. A. M. You go to to see some of their consumer products. They also have a lot of the commercial products too. This is neat because it’s a typical smart lock in terms of, it has a keypad where people can create user code, up to 30 different user codes and punch in your little code and it opens it up, but this takes it to the next level, this is a touch fingerprint door lock also. So yes I call it biometrics, you program your fingerprints from anybody in the house or whoever and you are allowed to open and lock your doors, that way so no more punching codes. I love the concept but the question is did it work? Well we put it through the test . No.1- absolutely easy to install. I’ve done this so many times and all you need is really a screwdriver. Pretty much you are done there. It took me maybe 10 to 11 minutes taking my old lock off and putting the new one on, literally 10 minutes. I’m gonna give everybody else around 30 minutes. It’s not hard and yes you absolutely can do it yourself. Certainly because these door locks fit a number of different door thickness, anywhere from one in 3H up to 2 inches which is the typical size of most doors. It’s a sexy look, one comes in silver one comes in a matted black. I’ve got the matted black one. For the most part it’s relatively around and on the top part there is your fingerprint in a security on the outside. On the inside is just your typical latch. So install it, you are all set to go ! I kind of my thought is this: who needs keys, man you don’t need keys anymore. For example, when I leave, I lock my door, the last thing I want to do is carry keys or something. For years I’ve done this with smart locks, you just punch in my code. Now I don’t even need the code, yes I have a code as a backup but my main code now is my fingerprints, and a number of different practical uses. I’m coming into the front door and I’ve got my backpack and I’ve got groceries or something. Generally I have to start putting them down or switching from left and to right hand to put in my typical 4 digit code. Now all you need to do is touch it, flawless, it works, it’s really fun. It comes with an app like most smartphones and smart watches, smart everything does. You download it yes it’s iPhone, and it is also on the android system too, to where you can pretty much anywhere you could check the security of the door, is it locked? You can also create single use codes, which also come in for handy for me. Say you have a maid who comes in once a week, so you have a neighbor so you have someone that you do trust that you need to let remotely into your house, you can program that one time. You can create not only single use but also a long time code, you put it in, you set it to go. But the neat thing is every time that code is used for your family or something, you’re got an alert on your phone it shows this person entering into your door at this time in this day, very very really nice. Weather here has been great in the Texas area so I haven’t really tested it with the weather – wether water resistance works, but it is, it got mill metal case on the outside to look extremely sturdy. The fact is that it works with some of the smart systems running your home, it works with Amazon’s Alexa , so you do need to go get one more add on, it’s the smart hub and that’s another little feature that you can get right on their website too. As I told you about the battery life, I’ve had it for a week and half. I’ve had no issue but instead of double A.’s these come with these C. R. 123 A. batteries, smaller batteries, it already comes with 2 of them in there. I played battery like this on other devices, they should actually last a lot longer and save me some money on getting batteries too. But overall very very impressed, take a look at it. Obviously the day they got a great background, whole product line that I look on the website, in the commercial locks, but now I kind of feel like maybe I’m in one of the “mission impossible” movies that when you enter my home, because you know I don’t have the eye recognition yet you could put your eye there but the fact that you could put your finger print, it is pretty high tech! It’s a great welcome to people to my home because they expect a lot of technology at my home and they’re gonna really like the SECURAM. $239, I believe. It seems to be on sale right now. I think if you sign up for a newsletter you get another 10 percent off or something but I like it! With that I’m gonna open up the phone call again at 713-212-5950. Let’s talk smart home, what’s the easiest device that you have installed to make your home smart, it could be a door lock, it could be a good camera, it could be a thermostat. You tell me or if you need more ideas and suggestions of different specific products, this is what I do,I am all over the TV, the radio, the social media, my job is to promote the stuff. So don’t try to break into my home because it’s like a fortress. Thanks to SECURAM, My name is Michael Garfield we’re gonna be right back after this.